Social Web Cafe TV  Episode #1.11

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What Do We Do For A Buck? * Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah

Continuing the discussion from a few weeks ago, Charles and Deborah discuss publicity, how to get it, and, more specifically the consideration of consequences for that publicity.

About the author: Deborah is an experienced (and talented) videographer recommended by the legendary Corey Rudl and other industry pioneering greats. Come experience it for yourself and also, download the “Boost Your Energy” ebook (absolutely free!).

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  • Scott Sep 19, 2013 @ 10:57

    There’s a lot of good stuff in this video. Thank you.

    • admin Nov 21, 2013 @ 5:16

      Thank you, Scott. Appreciate the feedback 🙂

  • Paula Nicolas Sep 20, 2013 @ 18:37

    The video was enganging, most especially when the topic involves the tween generation. I will subscribe to your podcast 🙂

    • admin Nov 21, 2013 @ 5:17

      Thanks, Paula. I will enjoy “talking with you” via podcast 😉

  • Kyle Sep 21, 2013 @ 17:53

    Definitely gave me something to think about. Thanks for the great info

    • admin Nov 21, 2013 @ 5:18

      Thanks, Kyle. Yeah, I still think about. It reminds me to be careful not to make quick assessments when i can realize how all of us could veer 🙂